DHI provides custom back-of-book
and embedded indexing services to authors, editors and publishers.
I produce informative indexes that
express the style, concepts and
topics laid out by my clients.

My areas of subject expertise cover Astronomy, Computer Sciences, Digital Video Production, History, Military History, Oenology, and Social Sciences. I create quality indexes for popular books, trade books, manuals, textbooks and scholarly works.
Visit the Services
page, which has information about project costing and length.
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the form on the Contact page. I enjoy hearing from
visitors — whether you’re browsing or are a repeat/potential client.
Confused about indexing and indexers?
Interested in proposing an indexing project,
but aren’t sure what are the next steps?
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Have a project you wish to discuss?
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Enjoy your visit
Donald Howes – DH Indexing